Monday 11 January 2016

BFI Report

The British Film Institute (BFI) have produced a fascinating report that shows me current level of film 'consumption and the style and genre of film people enjoy watching. 
This is really important for my studies as it highlights to me what my general audience will enjoy and what the most popular and successful film is to produce.
Below I have screen grabbed the most relevant slides from the BFI presentation. 
This slide is an overview of what the total number of films watched in the UK over the past three months. This includes movies watched through a range of platforms such as TV, digital, cinema and piracy.

This next slide highlights the favourite genre of film that the general public enjoy watching.

The page is split into data by demographics and key market segments, such as people going to the cinema and DVD/BD purchasers. 

These two pages are a full breakdown by demographics and marketing segments.

This next slide reveals to us the majority of the general public's genuine favourites. Considering genre preferences the British Film Institute asked participants to choose up to three genres for the offered genre list. 
As you can see, the most favoured are, comedies, thrillers and sci-fi's. 
The chart shows me the percentage of people who rate each genre as a favourite (up to three participants). Base : representative sample of GB 16+ population into film (1,978)

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