Saturday 27 June 2015

Codes and Conventions of a Teen Horror Film

The famous horror film 'Jaws' follows many of the typical conventions used with many successful horrors.
The typical conventions in a horror film are :

  • Secluded Location - No one can save you as you are practically separated from civilisation.                                      - In a place the character should not be.
  • Character(s) forget about the threat that's out there.
  • Power is cut - Going back to a time where there was no electricity.
  • Phone lines are cut (even in the villains lair) - You cannot reach anybody for help.
  • Someone investigates a strange noise.
  • Someone goes in a different direction to the person(s) they are with. - Separation.                                                                                                                                     - Someone is going to die.
  • Victim cowers in front of a window or door - The viewer empathises with the victim and feel their fear.
  • Vehicle won't start.
  • Victim accidentally falls over or a piece of clothing falls off (like their shoe)
  • Fake scare - Friend jumps out.                                                                                                                           - Phone rings.                                                                                                                                   - Door slams.                                                                                                                                   - Floor board creaks.
  • Warning goes unheeded.
  • Someone dies within the first five minutes. 

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