Friday 12 June 2015

What does Independent Learning Mean

For me independent learning is when I get the chance to produce something of my own accord and have to research it all myself instead of it coming from someone else. This is completed without the help from a teacher or colleague.
 In order to complete an independent task well I need to be motivated to do the best that O could do and but all my given time into it as I know that what I  get out of it would be what I have put in. I have to be able to face difficult challenges and be subservient to them. And finally I need to be aware of the time it is going to take me to complete the task fully so as not to run out of time.

Having looked at “What am I being tested on?” and evaluating the OCR specification I then compared the mark scheme to the A2 introduction text. This highlighted that in order for me to get a good grade I needed to participate in a substantial amount of research that is relevant to the chosen work. To gain the most I possibly can from this research I have to conduct it by using a variety of technologies, engines and media as depending on the chosen method I could develop it using the skills I already know. I think it is very important to immerse myself in independent studies as it is very important to make my blog individual and unique to myself.  I need to be very critical with my work. By self-evaluating and marking what I have done it will highlight spelling mistakes and information I need to include to communicate my point fully.
 In order to reach an A grade I will need to:
-          Good time management skills – In media studies you are constantly working towards tight deadlines. It is important to stay on top of my workload so that I am able to keep up and be able to look back on my work to proof read it.
-          Organisation skills –Planning ahead will mean that I will have a rough draft of the points I want to make.

-          Develop my presentation skills – It is very important to make my presentations interesting in order to hold the attention of the reader. To do this I will need to use a range of skills and use different methods of production e.g. Prezzi, Power-point, YouTube video, audio.

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