Saturday 28 November 2015

Possible Backing Track for my Trailer

It is evident that I am swaying towards using more of a 'cheerful' melody in my horror film trailer to manipulate my viewers emotions.
The contrast between the beauty of the music and the horror of the events that are happening confuses the audiences instincts.
The camera techniques used will create suspense as the screen emphasises on a horrific occurrence that is developing forcing the viewer to feel uncomfortable as they are enjoying the music and watching people get massacred.
I was inspired by Wes Craven's Nightmare on Elm Street because you will notice that whenever Freddy Krueger is chasing a character in their dreams you will hear happy disco music.
Listening to upbeat music is a common notion for someone to do when they're in the house on their own. It is a natural for my character to automatically put on the radio or their favourite playlist  to put on a playlist which is why my audience will be able to relate to it, creating an unsettling feeling.
I was also inspired by Quentin Tarantino who is well recognised for using cheerful and unnatural music when their is a big climax or murder. In Tarantino's film 'Reservoir Dogs' the ear cutting scene is very memorable mainly because the villain plays and sings along to the hit track 'stuck in the middle with you' by Stealers Wheel. This can enforce an almost comedic outlook on the situation or hopefully will make you feel nervous and anxious
The use of a heartwarming and tender song, a serenade about a fresh new journey of love and companionship is ironing to the situation as she hates Max and their future together will not be as long as the hopeful song depicts almost like an invitation of love that you want to ignore.
The song 'I only have eyes for you' lends itself to the purpose of the storyline as establishes an ironic opposite to the lyrics of the 1959 record. The song is all about love and new starts, singing the lyrics such as, "My love must be a kind of blind love, I can't see anyone but you". The on screen performance however will be conflicting against the lyrics as Cecelia is scared to fall in love and is being forced into the marriage by her partner Max. The use f this soundtrack is to enhance the calm before the storm as whilst The Flamingos sing about being blinded by love, ".. millions of people go by but they all disappear from view and I only have eyes for you" their is a horrific undertone as CeCe murders and stalks the ones she loves.

1 comment:

  1. I love your idea of manipulating the viewers emotions and this music is perfect to do so. As i listened i felt more on edge and unsettled, this is exactly how you want your audience to feel to fit in with the codes and conventions of your genre.
