Wednesday 2 December 2015

Risk Assessment

Identifying hazards is the first step in my risk management process. It is important for me to identify all the hazards, evaluate the risks and identify measures to control the risks. A risk assessment is a vital section for an effective and safe team to help prevent hazards, the optimum outcome is dependant on whether or not staff have considered and taken into account their obligations. It is important for both  my actors and crew to commit to the process. 

Summary of the taken in a risk assessment:
1) Identify hazard                                       - Hazard identified: member of the team identifies hazard.
                                                                     - Consultation: alert an authority figure about the hazard.
                                                                     - Context: Consider the factor of the potential hazard. 
2) Assess hazard                                          - Assess the potential danger surrounding the hazard.
                                                                     - Highlight the level of risk taking into account the odds.
                                                                     - Risks are prioritized.
                                                                     - Remove hazard in order of potential danger.
3) Eliminate hazard                                     - Consider surrounding when getting rid of the hazard.
4) If eliminating the hazard is unsuccessful I must find a solution for controlling the hazard through investigation.

I need to ensure that I:

  • Identify risks that require my urgent attention.
  • Allocate responsibilities to eliminate the hazard efficiently, quickly and safely.
  • Ensure the time set to remove the potential threat is realistic and achievable.
  • Controls are monitored and reviewed and documented.

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