Thursday 3 December 2015

Poster Inspiraion

The above images have inspired me for my own individual movie poster. You will notice that the majority of the pictures and film posters center around their faces showing either two perspectives of a person as if they are a schizophreniac or revolving around an old image or sketch, these are effective as they dominate the frame and make it more personal and intimate between them and the viewer. This will hopefully make the audience feel uncomfortable and threatened which is what I am hoping for as it relates to my chosen genre. The common colours used are browns, blacks and reds as these are all connotations of death and danger. 
I am planning on taking a picture of a girl in a victorian dress in the style of an old vintage photograph wearing the necklace to enhance the fact that it is old. I will do something like blur out the girl's face or include a creepy and unnatural object or effect to make her unrecognisable which will worry the audience. 

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