Thursday 3 December 2015

Outline of my Trailer - Updated Written Storyboard

Having had more time to think about my final trailer I have been mentally reconstructing my storyboard and have come to the decision that I do not want to start my trailer on a high, instead my trailer will start violently and horrifically in order to set the right mood and atmosphere.
(2 minutes 30 seconds)

Order of scenes:
- For the opening of my trailer I was struggling with a way to naturally enforce my music into the trailer. Therefore I have decided that my trailer instead of beginning with a high, is going to start with a low with a terrible scene. Cecelia (Mollie) is already going to be in her psychotic stage and is torturing her friend Eden (Lydia Gould). The trailer starts with Cecelia putting on "I only have eyes for you" by The flamingos and dancing around to it as she duct tapes Eden to a chair who is already battered and bruised. Cecelia proceeds to torture and abuse Eden and passes out making the screen black out in order to go into the next clip. Mid angle shot. 20 seconds long.        2 minutes 10 seconds left
- Appropriate audiences MPAA graphic clip  3 seconds long.           2 minutes 5 seconds left
- This first clip shows the audience the settings and society that my trailer is based around. I will use a crane up shot to the house. The audience is then exposed to a conversation between Max (William Hadden) and Carlos (Conor) medium shots, close ups and low angled shots where Max reveals that he plans on proposing to Cecelia. It is revealed that Cecilia is being forced into this relationship. 7 seconds long.    1 minute 58 seconds left
- I will use a crane down shot from the trees to provide my audience with the setting (the graveyard) or a pan from across the graveyard floor allowing you to see the stones, you will be able to see Conrad (Philip Rook) walking up to his wife's grave. A medium close up will be used allowing the audience to see the back of the gravestone and Conrad who pours himself and his wife a shot of whiskey, cheersing the glass and drinking it. A small crane down shot will be applied to reveal the name on the headstone.   15 seconds long.    1 minute 43 seconds left
- This will be a short clip between Cecelia and her stepmother, Anne (Judith Bielby). Anne will present CeCe the necklace which is stored within a box of old pictures, letters and diary entries, Anne says  "Your mother would have wanted to have this" close ups and long shots will be used for this clip.  5 seconds long. 1 minute 38 seconds left.
- Institution logo 5 seconds long. 1 minute 35 seconds left
- Wedding scene. This clip will be 20 seconds long. Including a big group of girls they are all getting ready for the big day together, doing each other's makeup and hair, filming the celebration and drinking champagne. In this clip I am going to be using the following camera angles and shots: Extreme close up, Close ups, medium close ups, medium long shots and pans.      1 minute 15 seconds left.
- Writing on screen. "Every family has it's black sheep" 3 seconds long.        1 minute 11 seconds left.
- This scene will be one of the most suspenseful scenes in my trailer as it is based on something that I always get nervous about happening to me. This clip will begin with a long shot of everybody sat down for dinner, CeCe, Max, Conrad and Anne. One of my characters will make a thing about running out of win. Anne volunteers to go into the wine cellar to go and retrieve a bottle. On her way down the stairs the step-mum will trip and fall down the last couple of stairs and when she goes to retrieve her torch she hears a sound. Shining a torch in the direction that the noise came from she is unable to see anything but stacks of wine. Anne grabs the torch and turns to grab the wine when she hears the creaking noise again, this time when she shines the torch to where the sound came from CeCe is in the corner and starts running at Anne and chases her up the stairs, grabbing at her ankles and her dress. This scene is going to be one of my longest clips at 25 seconds long.    46 seconds left.
- This short clip reveals Ce looking inside the box using a (point of view shot) that she received the necklace in. The audience are shown pictures of different members (names on the back/front of photograph) of the family all wearing her necklace including her mother (a picture of her mum and dad in the box) she finds diary entries talking about wanting to kill their loved ones. 7 seconds long.  Extreme close up shot will be applied to show the audience her emotions and feelings.   39 seconds left.
- An extreme long shot and long shot will be used to show Posey (Rosie) walking down a corridor looking at old beautiful paintings. One particular painting happens to catch her eye and when she stops and walks a few steps back to her to get a closer look a hand comes bursting out of the painting and grabs her by the neck. Posey is trying to escape. This shot will be taken using a medium shot and medium close up. This overall clip will take roughly 15 seconds long.  24 seconds left.
 For the ending of my film trailer this scene will involve Cecelia stabbing Max in the neck whilst they are in bed. This clip will involve low angle and high angle shots as CeCe holds the knife to his face and a long shot and medium long shot will be applied when you see her stabbing him. This clip will be 10 seconds long.       4 seconds left.
- The film title will end the trailer abruptly and will show up on the screen for 4 seconds.

1 comment:

  1. I cant wait to see how your trailer ends up, this sounds amazing! Really shows how organised you are with writing how long each clip will last. I like how you've included a variety of camera angles/shots to make your trailer more realistic.
