Friday, 30 October 2015

Camera Angles & Shots I Want to Include in my Trailer

Extreme close-up :
This will provide the audience with intimate personal details between yourself and the character making it personal as the on screen character focus will be on you as the viewer. By using this type of shot it will capture and highlight emotions that you can see in the personas eyes and helps to caption details in important clips.

Medium close-up :
This will show my viewers the characters actions and I will use this camera shot to reveal the setting. This shot still provides a personal feeling between yourself and the actor.

High angle shot :
I am considering using this shot in the clip when "the husband dies" to show helplessness and a vulnerability. This shot helps the audience to consider the hierarchy and reveals the dominating partner in their relationship.

Low angle shot :
Just like for the'high angle shot' I am wanting to use this technique when the husband dies. This will exhibit her power and determination as if she is a preditor resolute on killing its prey. This shot helps to emphasise authority.

Tracking/panning shot :
This shot will be used to create suspense as it follows either the killer or possible victim. I may use this technique to reveal an object or person in a clip.

Long shot :
I will use this camera angle to reveal the location.

Point of view shot (POV) :
This shot will help me establish a feeling of realism, making you sympathise with the character or create an intimate awareness to the object or person. With the aid of the POV I hope to create conscious gut feeling that you are part of the horror.

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