Wednesday 21 October 2015

Film Trailer Storyboard

1) Appropriate audiences MPAA graphic clip.
2) Pan up to house. Men in kitchen drinking beer. Grooms friend laughing and says "I can't believe you're getting married you lucky bugger" Groom replies "Neither! I'm so lucky. She's amazing"
3) Father goes to gravestone of dead wife. Talks to her stone, giving her an update on their daughters wedding plans. Leaves flowers on her grave and kisses stone.
4) Bridal shower. Step Mum gives step daughter necklace (family heirloom) which she presents to her in an old box full of letters, diaries, drawings and pictures.
5) The man and woman at home alone. Bride to be sat on his lap discussing their future. Everything is still normal.
6) Institutions(s) logo.
7) Hen night. Girls laughing around a table talking, laughing and having fun. Maid of honour spots necklace, "Oh that's lovely!" Bride to be replies, "Yeah, I know *name of step mum* gave it to me. She said it was Mums" A friend at the table jokingly says "See she's not such a bitch after all"
8) Scary toilet scene. Friend who previously made the joke about her dead mother leaves table to go to the toilet and check on her hair and makeup. Lights suddenly go out. As you watch the friend rummaging through her bag to find her phone (so that she can use it as a torch) you are able to see the bride-to-be watching her in the cubicle mirror. As soon as friend finds phone and puts on torch she shines it around the toilets but nothing is there.
9) Wedding day. See her getting ready with her Step Mum, Bridesmaids and Maid of Honour for the big day. Bride turns her back to everyone in the room and sticks a hair pin from her up-do into her finger making it bleed. 
10) Writing on screen. "Every family has it's black sheep"
11) Her parents and husbands family come over for a dinner party. Run out of wine. Step Mum goes down into the cellar to get some more alcohol but trips on the bottom step and falls over, dropping the torch. Reaches for torch and hears a noise. Grabs torch and shines it to where noise came from. Nothing there. Stands up and grabs wine bottle and begins to go back upstairs again when once again she hears the noise again. Shines torch to where she heard the creak coming from and the Bride is in the corner looking down and scary. Step Mum runs back upstairs confused and frightened.
12) Wife's perspective. Looking through box that the necklace was delivered in. Picking up and riffling through pictures of different female relatives with one thing in perspective. The necklace.
13) Short fast paced clip of Brides friend looking at an old photo in the corridor. Looks closely at it. Hand comes through frame and grabs her neck. Managing to get free of it's clasp she runs away.
14) "Murdering Husband" Different perspectives. Knife through the throat.
15) Film title.

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